Embassy Legalisation the way it should be...

...save time, save money, let us make moving overseas easier for you!

How can we help you? 

If you're moving overseas for work purposes, you'll likely need to have your documents legalised for your residence visa. These processes are different for every destination country, and will also vary depending on which country your documents were issued. The amount of steps required is anywhere from 1 stage, up to as many as 5. As you can imagine, legalisation can be complicated. And it can take up your valuable time trying to figure out the correct procedure for your document type, and for your destination country. Save your time and money by letting our friendly team of legalisation specialists take care of everything for you. 

You'll love how simple we make things...

Let us handle your legalisation and here's what happens:

  1. Send your document to us
  2. Get on with your life (we'll keep you informed along the way)
  3. Your document is securely returned to you completed

How do you benefit?

This is one of the easiest decisions of your life:

  • Save time trying to figure out the correct procedure for you
  • Have a team of legalisation specialists here to answer your questions
  • No queuing at a government offices and Embassies
  • Avoid any chance of doing the process incorrectly
  • Zero risk with our 100% Acceptance Guarantee
  • Faster than you can do it yourself
  • We can handle documents from over 150 countries

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Get in touch with an expert legalisation advisor. They'll help you better understand the process and get your order started.


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Know exactly what you need? Give us your details and request a quote. We aim to get back to you within one working hour. 


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"Excellent service from start to finish"

"I was updated on the progress of the legalisation I required by email regularly, not once did I need to chase/follow-up which I’m so tired of doing with most services these days! Couldn’t recommend Vital Consular highly enough."

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Dubai, UAE

"The level of service has been fantastic"

We have been using Vital Consular since the beginning of 2018 and the level of service has been fantastic, we were allocated a main point of contact which has helped to ensure a smooth and stress free process for all of our new starters relocating to Dubai. Whether it’s by phone or email and responds quickly, effectively and in a professional manner. Thank you Vital Consular for making our lives a lot easier and for your continuous help and support.

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Allsop & Allsop
Dubai, UAE

"Highly recommended"

"For work I needed my degree and post grad certificates attested in the UK and Vital Certificates arranged everything. A courier collected my certificates from my front door and the attested certificates were returned to me within 2 weeks. Highly recommended."


Jumeirah International Nurseries
Dubai, UAE








Which documents can we help you legalise?

You can legalise documents of all types with us including:

  • Educational and Professional Qualifications including:
    • University Degree Certificate
    • GCSEs, O'Levels & A'Levels
    • College Transcripts
    • Chartered Institute Fellowship
  • Personal Identification Documents
    such as:
    • Birth Certificate
    • Marriage Certificate
    • Adoption Certificate
  • Police Documents
    • Police Clearance Certificate (ACPO, ACRO)
    • Disclosure Documents
    • Criminal Background Check
    • Fingerprints

... as well as court documents, tax and financial statements, company documents, and almost anything else you can think of.

Can't my Embassy or Consulate do this for me?

The global Embassy network does not handle certificate legalisation. For example, if you need to legalise a document that was issued in the UK, for use anywhere in the UAE (Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, etc), that document must be legalised back in the UK through the UAE Embassy in London.

You can use our certificate legalisation service where we will fly the document back to the issuing country, handle all the legalisation steps required, and fly it back to you wherever you are.

Do you only handle UK documents?

Absolutely not! We already handle documents from over 150 countries across the globe, so you can use us wherever your documents were issued. Example countries include: US, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Russia, France, Germany and Italy. Request a quote from us and just let us know what documents you have, and where they were issued.

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Chat to an advisor to learn more about legalisation.


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Request a quote for the legalisation of your documents.